Upcoming Mini Shoots

Bluebell mini sessions will be taking place at the end of April/ Early May.
Dates will be released approx 2 weeks before the sessions.
£125 for a 30-minute shoot including 3 digital downloads.
Option to purchase more downloads for £12 each.
Location near Mannings Heath, Horsham.

Sunflower field shoots will hopefully be taking place in July. Location and flowers depending.
Dates will be released approx 2 weeks before the sessions.
£125 for a 30-minute shoot including 3 digital downloads.
Option to purchase more downloads for £12 each.
Location in Horsham.

Open Field
Open fields and long grass shoots will be taking place over the summer months.
£125 for a 30-minute shoot including 3 digital downloads.
Option to purchase more downloads for £12 each.
Location Horsham area.